One of the projects our lab works on, the Spacecraft Fire Safety Experiment-V (Saffire-V) successfully tested larger, more dynamic fires for over 26 hours inside Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus spacecraft, following its primary mission of delivering supplies to the International Space Station. Check out NASA’s article and the YouTube Video below
Prof. Michael Gollner to Receive 2020 Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award from the Combustion Institute
ME Assistant Professor Michael Gollner has been selected as a co-recipient of the 2020 Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award. The annual award, co-sponsored by Elsevier and The Combustion Institute, recognizes up to two early career researchers who have demonstrated excellence in fundamental or applied combustion science and have achieved a significant advancement in their […]
UC Berkeley
Prof. Gollner’s group recently moved from the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley. We are continuing our fire research on the west coast, closer now to many of the wildfire problems in the US. We will miss all our wonderful colleagues at […]
New paper published in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute: Flame spread and burning rates through vertical arrays of wooden dowels
Flame spread and burning rates through vertical arrays of wooden dowels Abstract Fuel loads in real-world fire scenarios often feature discrete elements, discontinuities, or inhomogeneities; however, most models for flame spread only assume a continuous, homogeneous fuel. Because discrete fuels represent a realistic scenario not yet well-modeled, it is of interest to find simple […]
New Article on "Fire Whirls" published in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics
Fire Whirls Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 50:- (Volume publication date January 2018) Review in Advance first posted online on October 2, 2017. (Changes may still occur before final publication.) Pre-Print PDF (Note journal version has some updates) Ali Tohidi,1 Michael J. Gollner,1 and Huahua Xiao2 1Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, […]
FPE PhD Candidate Sriram Bharath Wins 3rd Place in 2017 Dean's Master's Research Competition
FPE PhD Candidate Sriram Bharath Wins 3rd Place in 2017 Dean’s Master’s Research Competition Sriram Bharath, who will in the fall semester be a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, focusing on Fire Protection Engineering (FPE), has received third place in the 2017 Dean’s Master’s Research Competition from the UMD Clark School of […]
Gollner to Receive Proulx Early Career Award at 2017 IAFSS Symposium
FPE Assistant Professor, Michael Gollner, is set to receive the International Association of Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) Early Career Proulx Award for his major scientific contributions to the understanding of flame spread, wildland wildland-urban interface fire spread, and fire whirls. “Michael is a rising star of the fire science community, an innovative engineer with great vision of […]
Congratulations to Huahua Xiao for his Best Poster Award
Congratulations to Huahau Xiao from Aerospace Engineering for winning a best poster award at the Burgers Symposium on Fluid Mechanics at the University of Maryland. The poster was “Blue whirl – reacting vortex phenomenon?” by Huahua Xiao, Michael Gollner and Elaine Oran. Well done, Huahua!
PhD Student Positions Available at the University of Maryland
The University of Maryland, College Park is recruiting one or more PhD students to work in combustion and fire research starting in the summer or fall semester, 2017. Several projects related to the physics of wildland fires including ignition, spread, instabilities and fire whirls are ongoing, primarily experimental. Strong experimental and/or analytical skills are desired […]
New Article Published: A Survey of Transient Fire Load on Passenger Ferry Vessels
We recently published a new article in Fire Technology: A Survey of Transient Fire Load on Passenger Ferry Vessels by Brian M. Hall and Michael J. Gollner. Read the article here: A Survey of Transient Fire Load on Passenger Ferry Vessels Hall, B.M. and Gollner, M.J., Fire Technology, DOI: 10.1007/s10694-016-0629-8 Abstract Aluminum ferries in the United States are unique in that they have […]