My PhD Dissertation, “Studies on Upward Flame Spread” has been published and is now available online. Studies on Upward Flame Spread Abstract of the Dissertation: Experimental techniques have been used to investigate three upward flame spread phenomena of particular importance for fire safety applications. First, rates of upward flame spread during early-stage burning were observed […]
Pre-Print of Symposium Paper now Available
A pre-print of our symposium paper, “Experimental Study of Upward Flame Spread and Burning of anInclined Fuel Surface,” accepted to the 34th International Symposium of the Combustion Institute has now been posted online and can be downloaded here: Abstract: A thermally thick slab of polymethyl methacrylate was used to study the effects of the inclination angle of […]
Paper Accepted to 34th International Symposium on Combustion
Our paper, an Experimental Study of Upward Flame Spread and Burning of anInclined Fuel Surface has been accepted to the 34th International Symposium on Combustion! The conference will be held this summer in Warsaw, Poland.Paper by: M.J. Gollner, X. Huang, J. Cobian, A.S. Rangwala and F.A. WilliamsABSTRACT:A thermally thick slab of polymethyl methacrylate was used to study the effects […]
Watch Richard Feynman's Fun to Imagine: Fire Great video if you have not seen it before! We should all remember to be excited and curious about the world – and our research!
How Do You Fight Fire in Space? Experiments Provide Some Answers
Prof. Williams research was featured recently in the UCSD News: LINK. Read about it below: Research on the International Space Station also aims for a better understanding of fuel combustion here on Earth Color image of a burning dropletPhoto: NASA/Glenn Research Center Improving fire-fighting techniques in space and getting a better understanding of fuel combustion here […]
New Paper on the Burning Behavior of Vertical Matchstick Arrays Available
Our paper on the Burning Behavior of Vertical Matchstick Arrays, by Michael Gollner, Yanxuan Xie, Minkyu Lee, Yuji Nakamura and Ali Rangwala was recently accepted for publication to the journal Combustion Science and Technology. A pre-print version of the article has been posted here: Abstract Vertical arrays of horizontally protruding wood matchsticks, 0.25 cm in […]
Mario and Jeanette present their research at the UCSD Summer Research Conference
Jeanette Cobian, a UCSD undergraduate in the UCSD California Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (CAMP) in Science, Engineering and Mathematics program and Mario Zuniga in the McNair Scholars Program presented their summer research on flame spread and development of a visual flame analysis program. Congratulations on a great presentation and research in the combustion laboratory at UCSD over the […]
New Grad Students Presentation
Here is a copy of my presentation for new graduate students in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UCSD. Good luck to new students this year! New UCSD MAE grad students 2011 View more presentations from Michael Gollner.
The Perfect Firestorm: Interesting Audubon Magazine Feature Article
The Perfect FirestormWelcome to the new era of “megafires,” which rage with such intensity that no human force can put them out. Their main causes, climate change and fire suppression, are fueling a heated debate about how to stop them.By Daniel Glick/Photograph by Larry Schwarm
Best Poster and Best Fire Science Image Awards at the 10th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science!
The 10th International Symposium on Fire Safety Science was held at the University of Maryland, College Park this past week and brought together an impressive group of scientists and engineers working on today’s fire science problems. Before I go on about the conference, a moment of sharing the exciting news that we have won both […]