Building on our previous work with buoyant flows, this new paper details measurements of heat fluxes and local burning rates over liquid fuel wicks under forced flow. These laminar flames are interesting from a theoretical viewpoint, where the classical Emmons’ solution typically describes them well. The influence of buoyancy, described by the Richardson Number, can […]
Congratulations to Ajay V. Singh, PhD!
Congratulations to Ajay V. Singh, the newest PhD from UMD! He successfully defended his Thesis “A Fundamental Study of Boundary Layer Diffusion Flames” on July 20, 2015. A recording of the defense was made and can be viewed here: We are very proud of Ajay but sad to see him go. He will start as a postdoctoral […]
5 presentations given at the 9th US National Combustion Meeting in Cincinnati, OH!
At the 9th US National Combustion Meeting our group came out to give a number of great presentations. Pietro, Wei, Ajay and Colin each gave a presentation, with Colin presenting 2 research works. The presented works were: A.V. Singh, M.J. Gollner, Boundary Layer Combustion Under Forced Flow, 9th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, May 17-20, […]
New Article Published in Combustion and Flame
Our paper on Estimation of local mass burning rates for steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames was recently published in Combustion and Flame. This is an extension of our previous work by Ajay Singh and Michael Gollner on estimating local mass fluxes which recently won the Distinguished Paper Award at the 35th International Symposium on Combustion […]
WIFIRE Wins 3 HPCwire Awards at Int’l High Performance Computing Conference
WIFIRE, the wildfire modeling system whose design team includes University of Maryland Department of Fire Protection Engineering (FPE) professors Michael Gollner and Arnaud Trouvé, received three of HPCwire’s annualReaders’ and Editors’ Choice Awards at the 2014 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. Each year, HPCwire, which reports on the international high […]
New Paper Published on the Burning of Flat Wicks at Various Orientations
Burning on Flat Wicks at Various Orientations (PDF Pre-print) Zhang, Y., Bustamante, M.J., Gollner, M.J., Sunderland, P.B., Quintiere, J.G., Journal of Fire Sciences, In Press
Watch FPE Professor Michael Gollner Explain Fire Tornadoes and Wildfire Research
FPE News Story Watch FPE Professor Michael Gollner Explain Fire Tornadoes and Wildfire Research A lab-created fire tornado. University of Maryland assistant professor Michael Gollner(Department of Fire Protection Engineering) explained–and demonstrated–the phenomenon known as a fire tornado in an episode of Daily Planet, airing on the Discovery Channel in Canada. The episode was part of the […]
Wildfire Research and a Fire Tornado Appearing 4/16 on Discovery Channel in Canada, 4/23 on Science Channel in U.S!
University of Maryland assistant professor Michael Gollner (Department of Fire Protection Engineering) will explain–and demonstrate–the phenomenon known as a fire tornado in a forthcoming episode of Daily Planet, airing on the Discovery Channel in Canada and on the Science Channel in the U.S. Gollner will discuss wildfire spread research at the University of Maryland, including studies of […]
Congratulations to Brian Hall on Successfully Defending his MS Thesis!
Brian Hall, an MS student in Fire Protection Engineering successfully defended his thesis on April 9th! Title: Transient Fire Loads on Aluminum Ferries Committee: Professor Michael J. Gollner, Committee Chair Professor James Milke Professor Stanislav Stoliarov Abstract: The transient fire load aboard aluminum passenger ferries is studied to determine the contribution that baggage has on increasing the […]
Prof. Gollner and Trouve awarded Collaborative Grant with UCSD on Real-time Wildland Fire Modeling
The University of California at San Diego (UCSD) is awarded a grant to build an end-to-end cyberinfrastructure (CI), called WIFIRE, for real-time and data-driven simulation, prediction and visualization of wildfire behavior. San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and Calit2’s Qualcomm Institute will build this integrated CI system for supporting social-ecological resilience to the changing fire ecology […]