Comparison of particulate-matter emissions from liquid-fueled pool fires and fire whirls By: Sriram BharathHariharanabHamed FarmahiniFarahanibcAli S.RangwalacJoseph L.DowlingbElaine S.OrandMichael J.Gollnerab Free link: Regular link: Abstract In-situ burning (ISB) is one of the most effective means of removing oil spilled over open water. While current ISB practices can eliminate a large fraction of […]
Saffire Ignites New Discoveries in Space
One of the projects our lab works on, the Spacecraft Fire Safety Experiment-V (Saffire-V) successfully tested larger, more dynamic fires for over 26 hours inside Northrop Grumman’s Cygnus spacecraft, following its primary mission of delivering supplies to the International Space Station. Check out NASA’s article and the YouTube Video below
Research on Embers featured in National Geographic
Meet the wildfire super-spreaders: Scientists study ways to stop windborne embers from sowing destruction.
New article published in Physical Review Fluids
We published a new article, led by former graduate student and now postdoctoral scholar Sriram “Ram” Bharath Hariharan: “Effects of circulation and buoyancy on the transition from a fire whirl to a blue whirl,” published in Physics of Fluids. Abstract: The relative influence of circulation and buoyancy on fire whirls (FWs), blue whirls (BWs), and […]
Congratulations to Recent Graduates and New Members of the Group
Congratulations are in order for our recent cohort of graduates and alumni from the group: Dr. Mohammadhadi Hajilou, who was a postdoctoral scholar with Prof. Gollner at the University of Maryland recently accepted a position as a Senior Engineer at Gexcon US. Prof. Jeanette Cobian was a postdoctoral scholar with Prof. Fernandez Pello at the […]
Prof. Michael Gollner to Receive 2020 Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award from the Combustion Institute
ME Assistant Professor Michael Gollner has been selected as a co-recipient of the 2020 Hiroshi Tsuji Early Career Researcher Award. The annual award, co-sponsored by Elsevier and The Combustion Institute, recognizes up to two early career researchers who have demonstrated excellence in fundamental or applied combustion science and have achieved a significant advancement in their […]
UC Berkeley
Prof. Gollner’s group recently moved from the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at the University of Maryland to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UC Berkeley. We are continuing our fire research on the west coast, closer now to many of the wildfire problems in the US. We will miss all our wonderful colleagues at […]