Three articles from the group were recently accepted in Combustion and Flame. Two address the blue whirl, further investigating its structure and the conditions under which it forms, and one looks at downstream heating from wind-blown flames. The first article by Ram on the blue whirl is available at the link below, while the other […]
Postdoctoral Scholar Position Available
Location Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA Position Description The University of Maryland, College Park is recruiting one postdoctoral scholar to work on a project exploring the behavior of fire whirls. The postdoctoral scholar position is an immediate need, so preference will be given to candidates available in March-June […]
New paper published in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute: Flame spread and burning rates through vertical arrays of wooden dowels
Flame spread and burning rates through vertical arrays of wooden dowels Abstract Fuel loads in real-world fire scenarios often feature discrete elements, discontinuities, or inhomogeneities; however, most models for flame spread only assume a continuous, homogeneous fuel. Because discrete fuels represent a realistic scenario not yet well-modeled, it is of interest to find simple […]
New Article Published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
Our new article “Boundary layer instabilities in mixed convection and diffusion flames with an unheated starting length” was recently published in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. For a limited time access is FREE via the following link: Abstract The following study examines the role of streaklike coherent structures in mixed convection […]
New Article on "Fire Whirls" published in the Annual Reviews of Fluid Mechanics
Fire Whirls Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics Vol. 50:- (Volume publication date January 2018) Review in Advance first posted online on October 2, 2017. (Changes may still occur before final publication.) Pre-Print PDF (Note journal version has some updates) Ali Tohidi,1 Michael J. Gollner,1 and Huahua Xiao2 1Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, […]
Four new papers published in Fire Safety Journal to be presented at IAFSS!
Four new articles have been published in the Fire Safety Journal to be presented at the International Association of Fire Safety Science symposium this June in Lund, Sweden. The papers and authors are listed below. We’re excited to present soon and will post our photos from the symposium in Sweden! The effect of flow […]
Visiting IMFSE Student Cui Wuquan successfully defends MS Thesis!
Congratulations to Cui Wuquan who came to UMD from the International Masters in Fire Safety Engineering program in Europe who successfully defended his MS thesis on smoke transport in double-skinned facades!
Postdoctoral Scholar Ali Tohidi's Article in Fire Safety Journal highlighted by Editors
Editor’s Featured Article for June 2017. Congratulations to Ali Tohidi and Nigel Berkely Kaye on their paper below: Comprehensive wind tunnel experiments of lofting and downwind transport of non-combusting rod-like model firebrands during firebrand shower scenarios Ali continues to work on the study of firebrands, fire spread and fire whirls at the University of Maryland […]
Postdoctoral Scholar Ali Tohidi Receives IAFSS Best Thesis Award
Ali Tohidi, a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering, has recently been honored with the International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) 2017 Best Thesis Award for the Americas. Tohidi, who joined FPE after completing his PhD at Clemsen University in 2016, is one of three applicants and the only one in the Americas, […]
FPE PhD Candidate Sriram Bharath Wins 3rd Place in 2017 Dean's Master's Research Competition
FPE PhD Candidate Sriram Bharath Wins 3rd Place in 2017 Dean’s Master’s Research Competition Sriram Bharath, who will in the fall semester be a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, focusing on Fire Protection Engineering (FPE), has received third place in the 2017 Dean’s Master’s Research Competition from the UMD Clark School of […]