Three articles from the group were recently accepted in Combustion and Flame. Two address the blue whirl, further investigating its structure and the conditions under which it forms, and one looks at downstream heating from wind-blown flames. The first article by Ram on the blue whirl is available at the link below, while the other two should come online soon. Very proud of all three works, led by some excellent PhD students!
The Blue Whirl: Boundary Layer Effects, Temperature and OH*
S.B. Hariharan, P.M. Anderson, H.X. Xiao, M.J. Gollner, E.S. Oran In Press, Combustion and Flame
Conditions for Formation of the Blue Whirl
Yu Hu, Sriram Bharath Hariharan, Haiying Qi, Michael J Gollner, Elaine S Oran, In Press, Combustion and Flame
Downstream radiative and convective heating mechanism of methane and propane line fires with cross wind
Xiaoyu Ju; Michael J Gollner; Yiren Wang; Wei Tang; Kun Zhao; Xingyu Ren; Lizhong Yang, In Press, Combustion and Flame