Ajay Singh, a Research Assistant in the Department of Fire Protection Engineering and PhD Candidate in Mechanical Engineering and his Adviser, Assistant Professor Michael Gollner recently had their manuscript, “Estimation of local mass burning rates for steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames” selected as a distinguished paper for the 35th International Symposium on Combustion in the Fire Research Colloquium. […]
WIFIRE Wins 3 HPCwire Awards at Int’l High Performance Computing Conference
WIFIRE, the wildfire modeling system whose design team includes University of Maryland Department of Fire Protection Engineering (FPE) professors Michael Gollner and Arnaud Trouvé, received three of HPCwire’s annualReaders’ and Editors’ Choice Awards at the 2014 International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis. Each year, HPCwire, which reports on the international high […]
Congratulations to Brian Cohen, our Newest M.S. Graduate!
Congratulations to Brian Cohen, who successfully defended his M.S. thesis last week. His project on fire whirls was amazing to watch. Thank you very much to committee members Prof. Jim Milke and Prof. Elaine Oran. Congratulations again to Brian and best of luck on his new career at Arup in New York City!
Congratulations to Dan, Colin and Zhao who successfully defended their M.S. Theses!
Congratulations to the 3 newest M.S. graduates from the group, Daniel Gorham, Colin Miller and Zhao Zhao! They all had excellent presentations and successfully defended their theses. Colin will be continuing on in the group to pursue a Ph.D. studying wildland fire, Dan will be taking up a post soon at the National Fire Protection Association […]
Invited Talk by Xinyan Huang, Imperial Haze Lab, on Smoldering Wildfires!
We were happy to host Xinyan Huang, from Dr. Guillermo Rein’s Haze Lab at Imperial College, London this week who presented some exciting new research on Smoldering Wildfires! Smoldering Wildland Fires: Ignition, Spread and Extinction Xinyan Huang Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College London 11:00 AM Wednesday, August 20th 3106 JM Patterson Building Fire […]
Read our NFPA FPRF Report "Literature Review on Hybrid Fire Suppression Systems"
The objective of this project was to provide background information on hybrid fire suppression systems so that it can be ultimately determined where these systems should best be addressed within NFPA documents. LITERATURE REVIEW ON HYBRID FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS Fire Protection Research Foundation report: “Literature Review on Hybrid Fire Suppression Systems” (PDF, 158 KB) Author: Peter Raia, Michael […]
New Paper Published on "Estimation of local mass burning rates for steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames"
A new paper has been published in the Proceedings of the Combustion Institute: “Estimation of local mass burning rates for steady laminar boundary layer diffusion flames” Ajay V. Singh and Michael J. Gollner Abstract A thorough numerical and experimental investigation of laminar boundary-layer diffusion flames established over the surface of a condensed fuel is presented. By extension […]
New Paper Published on the Burning of Flat Wicks at Various Orientations
Burning on Flat Wicks at Various Orientations (PDF Pre-print) Zhang, Y., Bustamante, M.J., Gollner, M.J., Sunderland, P.B., Quintiere, J.G., Journal of Fire Sciences, In Press
New Article on "The Flammability of a Storage Commodity" in Fire Protection Engineering Magazine
The article, appearing in the April 1, 2014 issue of Fire Protection Engineering Magazine, the official magazine of the SFPE highlighted previous work funded by the SFPE Research Foundation. You can find the article here: http://magazine.sfpe.org/content/flammability-storage-commodity
Prof. Gollner to Present Wildfire Modeling at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Monday
As part of NASA’s Safety Awareness Campaign and Engineering Colloquium, Prof. Michael Gollner will present a talk on Modeling Wildfires: Past, Present and Future. Date & Time: Monday, April 28, 3:30 PM Place: Goddard Space Flight Center, Building 3 Auditorium http://sma.gsfc.nasa.gov/sac/index.php/2013-02-28-15-11-08/2014-speakers/11-2014-speakers/85-michael-j-gollner Abstract: In 2012, over 4.3 million acres of wildland burned in the United States, […]