Christina Liveretou, Priya Garg and Joey Dowling all presented at the Spring meeting of the Western States Section of the Combustion Institute March 21-22. Postdoctoral scholar Hadi Hajilou also came to support the group. Jeanette Cobian, former postdoctoral scholar and now UC Merced faculty, also presented a paper on work performed at UC Berkeley. Finally, Professor Gollner presented the plenary lecture on the Role of Combustion in Wildland Fire Science. It was a great meeting across the bay on the beautiful Stanford Campus, thanks to all who organized and supported the group!
Here are the talks that were presented:
C. Liveretou, C. Scudiere, M. Thomsen, C. Fernandez-Pello, M. Gollner, S. Olson, P. Ferkul, Comparing the combined effects of ambient pressure and external heat flux on flame spread rate behavior in vertical PMMA cylinders
J. Cobian-Iñiguez, H. Xiong, C. Liveretou, L. Carmignani, F. Richter, C. Fernandez-Pello, M. Gollner, S. Stephens, M. Finney, Wind effects on smoldering behavior of simulated wildland fuels
J.L. Dowling, M. Hajilou, M.J. Gollner, The effect of enclosure dimensions on fire whirl formation and emissions
P. Garg, I. Shan, M. Hajilou, C. Fernandez-Pello, Flammability limits of cellulose powder under varying oxygen, heating and wind conditions
M.J. Gollner, The Role of Combustion in Wildland Fire Science