We are very happy to welcome Dr. Ali Tohidi, who joined our group last month as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Dr. Tohidi brings with him a wealth of experience on the transport of firebrands and fundamental fluid mechanics. Ali will be working with Michael and the rest of the group on the generation, transport and ignition by firebrands in the Wildland-Urban Interface, as well as other related problems in fluid mechanics.
Welcoming Dr. Ali Tohidi to our group!
We are very happy to welcome Dr. Ali Tohidi, who joined our group last month as a Postdoctoral Scholar. Dr. Tohidi brings with him a wealth of experience on the transport of firebrands and fundamental fluid mechanics. Ali will be working with Michael and the rest of the group on the generation, transport and ignition by firebrands in the Wildland-Urban Interface, as well as other related problems in fluid mechanics.